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Es werden Posts vom September, 2017 angezeigt.

Gardening 🌿

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The GRS - Great Red Spot - a swirling Mystery 🌀

The largest hurricanes on Earth (until now) spanned over 1,000 miles across with winds gusting up to around 200 mph. That’s wide enough to stretch across nearly all U.S. states east of Texas. But even that kind of storm is dwarfed by the Great Red Spot, a gigantic storm in Jupiter. There, gigantic means twice as wide as Earth. With tumultuous winds peaking at about 400 mph, the Great Red Spot has been swirling wildly over Jupiter’s skies for the past 150 years ... read more

[hex] delete ++ 💽

praktische tipps zum sicheren löschen von festplatten https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/aug/30/terry-pratchett-unfinished-novels-destroyed-streamroller http://www.sueddeutsche.de/kultur/terry-pratchetts-testament-ueberrollt-es-mit-einer-dampfwalze-1.3646325

[map] Americans in Europe & vice versa 🌐

overlaying US states on areas of Europe with equal population & reverse .

under the roof

what a nice room under the roof ⚕️ Pictures from weekend course @ bern und 360 views da , da & da . Many thanks Reinhard for the weekend course & many thanks Syl for organizing it.